Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2022
With just the right amount of details—two fingers of Jack Daniels—the author transports the reader to the mid-forties where Steve Daniels steps off the pages into the reader’s psyche. A recovering, wounded war hero, Steve has a lot to learn when it comes to women, particularly Kathy Forrest, his commander’s wife who struts her stuff in platform shoes. To be precise, Steve’s a sap who gets himself embroiled in not one, but two murder trials.
Book 1 of this upcoming six-book series is definitely off on the right foot for stringing the reader along. ‘Platform Shoes’ is packed with unforeseen twists and turns, thanks to a tenacious lawyer like Carole Price who has the smarts to uncover minute, but important, details that are game changers.
I highly recommend this noir-novel, and can only hope Steve Daniels flies right, even though his flying days are over.