BOOK REVIEW: “LOONIES” by Gregory Bastianelli



I received a free copy of this book through the Early Reviewers’ Program at LibraryThing!

Bastianelli draws you in from the get-go with a mysterious trunk found in the attic of Brian and Darcie Keays’ new home in the quaint New England town of Smokey Hollow. The Keays have moved to this sleepy community because Darcie, now pregnant, craves a normal, quiet life. Brian, a newspaper reporter by trade, is not so happy. He misses the adrenalin rush of chasing down a story and is a bit disgruntled with his new job as editor of the town’s weekly newspaper, covering such titillating stories as the passing of the Boston Post Cane to the town’s oldest resident. But, with the discovery of the trunk and what’s inside of it, everything changes and the reader is taken off on a crazy ride to discover the secrets of Smokey Hollow.

The novel, well written, moves at a fast pace with numerous twists and turns that keep the reader enthralled. There are many colorful characters involved, however, I have to say that the unusual names the author gives these folks put me off a bit and I had a hard time remembering who was who. In addition, I felt the ending of the novel came about too quickly, with all the threads tied up a little too neatly.

However, overall, it is a very good read and, if you are a fan of mysteries that have a slightly bizarre twist, I am sure you will enjoy LOONIES.

My Rating:  Four Stars!