Category Archives: Mateguas Island

Writing! – Update!

IMG_0692Story update:  I was up almost all night writing this story in my mind.  I have the ending roughed out and written down.  And I know how I’m going to get there!  I am so jazzed!


I’m writing again!  Finally!  I’ve decided to put together a short story as a sort of prequel to “Mateguas Island”.  It’s tentatively titled “The Unraveling” and it’s a description of the events that lead Bill and Karen’s decide to move to the island – the loss of his job and the beginning of the disintegration of their marriage.  These subjects are touched on in the novel, yet not fully fleshed out.  I’ve written 2600 words so far today which is a good start.  Don’t know if it will all work yet – it’s straight fiction – no paranormal elements planned!   I think it could be good.  If not, at least it’s fun!  Wish me luck!
