Category Archives: BOOK REVIEWS

Book Review: SHADOW OVER AVALON by C.N. Lesley

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In the beginning, we are immediately sucked into the story of Ashira, a king’s daughter in a rather primitive world, ruthlessly traded away in marriage to Uther, The Dragon. Juxtaposed with her tale is the story of Arthur, a young lad living in a futuristic undersea community, who is desperately trying to discover his lineage while, at the same time, trying to evade the suspect agenda of the “seers”.  Eventually, these two worlds collide as factions from each join forces to defeat an even more menacing foe.

The world that Lesley has created in this retelling of the ancient legend is so layered and complex, this reader was constantly reminded of Frank Herbert’s epic masterpiece “Dune”. This is a must-read for all science fiction/fantasy fans, but will enthrall any who enjoy a fast-paced story with characters you cannot help but come to care about. I can’t wait to read the sequel!
