Abby is consumed by secrets … dreams of walking through a field littered with skeletons. A solitary young woman, she marries a equally young, very religious boy who loves her completely. The day after her wedding – a day she should be celebrating – she deliberately walks in front of a bus and is critcally injured. Thus begins her journey -one that is painful and haunting.
The Pursuit by Joyce Carol Oates is, indeed, a haunting title. As I read, I was at first put off a bit by the fact that there was no real dialogue. But soon, I forgot about all that. Using a stream of consciousness technique, Oates takes the reader on a harrowing journey of remembrance – back to Abby’s childhood – back to memories of her parents’ disintegrating marriage, spousal abuse, and madness.
A real page turner, The Pursuit is my first Joyce Carol Oates title – but it won’t be my last. Highly recommended for readers who enjoy dark fiction rooted in reality.
The Pursuit is on pre-order with a publication date of October 1, 2019. I received a free ARC of this novel through NetGalley.