All posts by Linda Watkins

Linda is a retired financial analyst turned author. Her first novel, "Mateguas Island", a supernatural thriller, will, hopefully, be published in the not too distant future. Other works in process include: "Return to Mateguas Island", "The Carved Chest", and "The Vacuum Cleaner".

A New Adventure


My legs feel like butter and my brain feels like cotton candy.  I have been on the road for the past three days, with my 3 dogs, on our way to our new home.  I can’t actually believe right now that I drove so far all by myself with just my Garmin and my dogs for guidance.

In  Albany, they tried to refuse us lodging even though I had reservations and had told them on the phone I had 3 dogs, 2 of which were large.  They finally gave us a room – the shower didn’t work and the lock on the door was defective.  Thank the lord I had my big dog, Jasper, who barked furiously at something around midnight.  No one messes with me if I have Jasper by my side.

In Cleveland it was a different story, the Ramada Inn at the airport totally rocked.  After over 8 hours on the road it was so nice to be greeted warmly and to have a wonderful, clean room to crash in.

The next day,  our early morning plans were foiled by pesky thunderstorms that kept us inside till 9:30am.  The weather cleared and we finally finished our over 1,000 mile journey at about 3:15pm.   All the driving left me a bit loopy,, but the warm greeting by my best friend, Marge, totally refreshed me as did the bottle of wine she brought with her!

Exhausted, now my dogs lie on the rugs of their new home.  I sit on the couch writing this and marveling in the courage and resilience of my faithful companions who hate change but are willing to undergo anything just to be by my side.   Yes, it was a daunting three days and I think that now the adventure has just begun!  L.