Book Review: THE MASTER’S PLAN by Stephany Tullis

51iZAisfhuL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-v3-big,TopRight,0,-55_SX278_SY278_PIkin4,BottomRight,1,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_In The Master’s Plan, Ms. Tullis takes the reader through an enjoyable, and sometimes hilarious, romp through the local and church politics of Smoothville, Georgia. It is the story of Selena Jones, 2nd wife of revered Pastor Woody Jones. Wanting to aid her husband, Selena (SB to her friends) naively has put together a plan – a master plan – to help him spread the good word. Throw in to the mix, Commissioner Reginald, who has plans of his own, his advisor Shawn, who is becoming disillusioned, Woody’s daughter by his first wife who is hell-bent to see Selena gone, and a host of other marvelously drawn deacons and church-goers, the result is an outstanding read. Ms. Tullis keeps the reader in suspense throughout, wondering just what Selena’s plan actually is and what in the heck is going on with Woody?

Anyone who enjoys vivid characterizations and southern literature will be delighted by Ms. Tullis’ work. I highly recommend it.
