Zoe is living an ordinary life. A bookstore owner in Albuquerque, New Mexico, she resides with a man she loves and his two sons. But a covert operation completed in a mere thirty-one seconds on a street similar to hers, in a house equally similar, will turn her ordinary world upside down. For Zoe is not what she appears to be. Her name, her background, even her appearance have all been carefully fabricated and now her past, violently and without warning, rises up to haunt her. Someone is trying to kill her. But who and why?
Death Mask is a heart-pounding, intense thriller that, once you read page one, is hard to put down. Author Gates has concocted a fast-paced narrative with short chapters and alternating points of view which serve to increase the overall tension in the story. Gates’ high tech expertise is on full display in Death Mask and, while totally invested in Zoe’s journey, I actually learned a thing or two about artificial intelligence while on the ride.
Death Mask is a must-read for lovers of political intrigue and espionage thrillers, or those who simply enjoy a high-tension, page-turner that will keep you up into the wee small hours of the morning, unable to put it down.
I understand that Author Gates has other novels involving the vividly written characters in Death Mask and I will be sure to put them on my to-read list.
Death Mask comes highly recommended by this reader. Five big shiny stars!