
STORM ISLAND: A Kate Pomeroy Mystery (The Kate Pomeroy Gothic Mystery Series, Book 1)
Author(s): Linda Watkins
Genre(s): American Gothic, Paranormal, Thriller/Suspense, Women Sleuths
Publisher: Argon Press (2018)
Buy the book now at: https://www.amazon.com/Storm-Island-Pomeroy-Mystery-Mysteries-ebook/dp/B07H7VQ9JV

Mayhem, murder, and magic—Linda Watkins’ thriller, Storm Island, is a 21st-century gothic mystery replete with a damsel in distress, villains, romance, and inexplicable, supernatural happenings. And, of course, a spooky old mansion on an island off the coast of Maine provides the perfect setting.
The story begins with “just another day at the office” for Katherine Pomeroy, daughter of the Chief of Staff at Memorial Hospital in Los Angeles, where she is a second-year surgical resident. Although she is a stereotypical privileged California girl with a prestigious pedigree, budding career, powerful lover, and trust fund on hold as she is not a product of nepotism. Katherine is smart, savvy, and hardworking, making her bones on her own behalf. Overall, her life can’t get much better.
Until the day Katherine ducks into the quiet refuge of a hospital laundry supply room for quick a catnap to refuel, and everything changes. Shortly after dozing off, Katherine is awakened by a private conversation between Dr. James Conway, Assistant Chief of Psychiatry at Memorial, and a rough-looking stranger. The men are arguing—and not over a tee-time.
The die is cast.
Katherine dismisses the incident as none of her business—but not Dr. Conway.
Later in the day, while prepping for surgery, Katherine suffers a seizure-like episode resembling a bad acid trip. Her next lucid moment is awakening in the hospital’s Emergency Room being treated by Dr. Conway, who has sedated her. He orders tests and ultimately diagnoses her as having a psychogenic disorder. By virtue of her father’s position and the fact that her aunt, a renowned psychiatrist, is willing to treat her, Katherine dodges commitment to a long-term psychiatric facility. Instead, she’s sent to her aunt’s summer home on Storm Island off the coast of Maine—a familiar place filled with memories.
Katherine, who learned, with the help of a loyal friend on staff, that she was being drugged, arrives on the island with mixed emotions and finds it fraught with physical, psychological, and supernatural landmines, forcing her to continue the fight for her life and sanity.
Storm Island is an entertaining read with smart, relatable characters in a setting that is dark and mysterious. A good mixture that will leave readers feeling comfortably sated.
Linda Watkins won First Place in the CIBAs 2018 Paranormal Awards for Storm Island.