Category Archives: Poems

Poems by Linda Watkins

Zombies! Verses III & IV

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Okay, I started a poem today, but I need some help with it.  I’m going to share with you all the first four lines and let’s see what you can come up with to follow.  It’s a fun poem – not serious stuff at all!  So, here are the first 4 lines – help me out!

6/23/13  With your help, I have added a 2nd verse.  Let me know what you think!  L.

6/24/13. I’ve added two more verses.  Let me know what you think!  L.


There are zombies on the loose

And they’re after Mother Goose!

They have eaten Mary’s lamb

And turned Jack Horner into spam!


All that’s left of Mother Hubbard,

You could fit inside her cupboard!

But they left her dog alone,

‘Cause he’s skinny like his bone.


Olde King Cole has lost his crown

As the zombies chase him down!

A fine meal that king will make

Maybe in a zombie cake!


Itsy Bitsy Spider fled

She found a zombie in her web!

Mary Mary cried, “Oh no”

As that zombie ate her toe!