Category Archives: Author Interviews

Author Interview: ROZ CARTER author of “THE COVINGTON WITCHES”




My interview today is with Roz Carter who is the author of The Covington Witches, a serialized horror story.



Welcome, Roz. Can you tell my readers what inspired you to write your first book?

smashwordscoverFrontI have always known that I wanted to write a novel; it just took several decades to admit it to myself. So, when the idea wormed its way into my thinking again this year, I said, “Okay. I’m going to do it.” It was such a relief to finally do what has been tiptoeing around the edges for so long.

 I know that feeling very well!  Can you tell us a little bit about your background and what led you to put pen to paper and share your experience with the world?

I think the one abiding role I’ve had is that of Reader. I’m a reader. I love language and how words can move you. I had no choice in becoming a writer, the only choice I had was how long it took me to share my writing with the world.

Is there a message in your book(s) that you wish readers to grasp?

Family is a key element in The Covington Witches, and everything that word brings with it, all of the pain, the love, the frustration and perplexing behaviors and motivations are there. Traveling with Imara as she learns about her family, and her place in it, is so exciting.

 What do you find to be the hardest part of writing a book?

 The beginning is tough, the middle impossible and the end is torture. Yet, there is nothing else I’d rather do with my day than muck around in the worlds I create.

 Besides your own book(s), what other new Indy titles are you excited about in 2014?

 I recently read “Nightmares of the Queen” by Jacqueline Patricks. Do yourself a favor and buy this book. You won’t be sorry.

What’s next for you? Any new projects in the works?

 I am always writing the next book. But seriously, there are more stories to tell with the Covington family, I’d love to see where they take me next.

Finally, do you have any advice for other writers who are just starting down the self-publishing path?

Read, read and read some more. Read outside of your comfort zone and read outside of your genre. Re-read the classics; there is a reason why they’ve endured. The stories are about people and really, people don’t change. It’s fascinating and it will help your writing. Also, experiment. Read what the real titans of self-publishing have done and then try something completely new. You’re a publisher; you make your own rules. It’s a great feeling.

Thank you for stopping by today, Roz. I’m sure my readers appreciate your taking time out of your busy writing schedule to be with us!

Linda, thank you so much for featuring me today, I really appreciate it. I’d like to extend a special offer to your readers – by signing up for my mailing list at, Friday, June 6th, through Sunday, June 9th, they will receive a copy of THE COVINGTON WITCHES, Part 1 (epub format- Nook, IBooks, etc.) by email.

That sounds wonderful! Thank you.

I’m going to close with a list of links for Roz and her novels in case you would like to find out more about her and her work.

Covington Witches, Part 1 –

Covington Witches, Part 2 –

Covington Witches, Part 3 –

Covington Witches, Parts 1 & 2 –

Roz Carter, Author Page:

Book Trailer: 


Roz Carter’s FB page: