All posts by Linda Watkins

Linda is a retired financial analyst turned author. Her first novel, "Mateguas Island", a supernatural thriller, will, hopefully, be published in the not too distant future. Other works in process include: "Return to Mateguas Island", "The Carved Chest", and "The Vacuum Cleaner".

A couple of nature photos

It’s hard to believe that these beautiful little flowers recently had about a foot of snow IMG_0776dumped on top of them.  Now the snow is gone and they blossom again.  I think crocuses must be the “survivors” of the flower world.

The picture below is one I took of the moon last night.  It was eerily beautiful and reminds me of a line from one of my favorite poems – “The moon was a ghostly galleon, tossed upon cloudy seas….”  (The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes).
