“The Empty Space is a work of fiction in the murder-mystery, suspense, and dramatic fiction sub-genres, and was penned by author Linda Watkins. Written as part of the Kate Pomeroy mystery series, we find ourselves deep in a new intrigue as the titular character has her world turned upside down by a sniper’s bullets. Delivered in the same intense gothic atmosphere as its predecessors, this fourth novel sees Kate on the edge of her nerves with her nearest and dearest in the path of a killer. Setting out in pursuit is the only option, but dangerous obstacles in her path are only the beginning of this twisting and turning deadly mission.“
“Author Linda Watkins has created a masterpiece of suspense in this high stakes mystery novel, and one which will have your heart in your throat by the time you reach its final chapters. One of the things which really impressed me about this work was the quality of its psychological drama, which initially presents as your typical madman, but soon delves into a really well thought out and surprisingly macabre storyline. When you combine this with protagonist Kate’s intense passion to save her loved ones, and her immeasurable drive and inspiring strength, you have a highly engrossing cat and mouse plot with plenty to ruminate over as it thickens. The dialogue was a highlight too, with realistic and non-gimmicky lines that intensify the drama and keep the gothic feel. Overall, I would certainly recommend The Empty Space as an accomplished thriller mystery with lots to offer.‘ ~K.C. Finn for Readers Favorite

The Empty Space, A Kate Pomeroy Mystery is on preorder on Amazon for a special introductory price of only #99cents! Publication date is October 30, 2020.