“UGLY AS SIN” by James Newman

When I started this novel, my first thought was “why in the world did I request a copy of this book? I have absolutely no interest in the world of wrestling.” However, I rapidly found myself drawn into the story and intrigued by the author’s hero, or, more accurately, anti-hero, Nick Bullman.

Nick, once a professional wrestler of some note, was attacked by a couple of psychos who sliced and diced his face, literally carving it off. Hence, when the story opens he is UGLY AS SIN. At this point in his life, he’s lost everything – his job, his money, and, most notably, his face. However, he gets a chance at redemption when his estranged daughter, who he was never there for, calls to request his help. Her daughter has been kidnapped and Nick, who didn’t even know he was a grandfather, races to the rescue.

None of the people in this story are beautiful. They all have their flaws, some physical and some spiritual. But that’s what makes this story so good. Written in a very noir, pulp fiction-ish style, the novel is a fast-paced, page-turner. The characters are complex, not always likeable, but there is a grittiness to them that is appealing.

I thoroughly enjoyed UGLY AS SIN and will be looking forward to seeing what author, James Newman, comes up with next.

Highly recommended.

I received a free copy of this book as part of the Library Thing Early Reviewers Program