J. K. Accinni Rocks!

I just finished reading two books by J. K. Accinni, BABY and ALIEN SPECIES INTERVENTION over the weekend (the weather was nasty!) and to my delight both earned 5-stars from me!  My reviews of each of these wonderful books follow. I can’t wait to get my hands on another!


I understand this is like a prequal but I have never cried so hard over a book. The author painted a detailed atmosphere of rural Prohibition chicanery and the difficulties of life on the farm. Sprinkle in an abused heroine and dying alien and you have a recipe for an original story line.

The fact that the story will first charm you then rip out your heart is a testimony to the skills of the writer and her ability to suck you right in. Thank you Mr. Accinni.
I suspect we have not seen the end of Baby and Netty but just in case….PLEASE BRING THEM BACK!!
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One of my favorite reads is about Aliens. I was happy I found this in a free offer and looked forward to reading all three. Boy, was I surprised. No blood thirsty aliens here. Only a furry dying one that has given birth and forgotten why it was sent to Earth. The offspring has done a disappearing act. Until book two that is.
It’s all here. Everything a reader wants. Love, family, human evil, laughter, tenderness, horror and tears and did I mention the blindsides??. A beautifully written rollercoaster of emotions. It creeps up on you until you are hooked and can’t put the book down. Whew!
I just hope the level of writing is sustained in the sequels cause I’m on my way!!